Autumn is a season of change, as we re-embrace our routines that were cast away in the summer, and we prepare for bed just a tiny bit earlier.

For my family and me, welcoming Autumn comes with many heartwarming perks. For one it is peak season for olive oil production, where the labour of seasons past finally comes to fruition. From gathering the olives to bottling up the oil once pressed, the spirit of unity and newness that comes from this activity never seizes to inspire me.

During Fall I try to wake up a short while before everyone else and take in the majestic views of our family farm. The colors change, the sprawl takes on a new feel, and the fields become dotted with the tall and lean silhouette of Sea Squills, an onion-like plant that starts with a flowering stem breaking through soil and the dried summer crust. It then transforms to lush green leaves throughout the winter! I also take time to look at the skies and get lost in the flocks of birds migrating south for the winter. I watch them swirl and spiral to incredible heights above the hills of Majdal. I often wonder about their final destination and think to myself how amazing nature is that it continues with its rhythms regardless of us humans and our always busy lives!

Autumn is a season where lush pomegranates can be found in abundance. I’m not sure if it’s because of their rich color or perhaps their delightful flavor, but I have always had such a soft spot for them. They are not only a delicious treat but are an amazing source of anti-oxidants. Throughout history pomegranates have been revered as a source of wealth, where once opened dozens of seeds come out! They are also amazing to paint and I have often included them in my art works.

There is a certain kind of wonderful that comes with this season, you just have to mind the details to find and appreciate it.

November 01, 2018 — Serge Kaouane