Harmony Face Roller

15.000 JD


Rose Quartz is the ultimate beauty stone for skin care. It is both wellness in skincare and self-care. With restorative rejuvenating properties and benefits for your skin.

Amina's Harmony Face Roller's naturally cool surface is super smooth and allows you to access facial muscles and tissues with slight pressure. 

It encourages the natural detoxification process and brightens the skin by boosting circulation and blood flow beneath the skin. It will help relax the facial muscles, reduce skin inflammation and promote a natural glow.

This tool can be used for a facial massage or acupressure point activator for both the face and neck. May be used with Amina's Face Serum or simply on cleansed moist skin prior to applying serums.

Did you know?  The bespoke hand-made Roller pouch is made by Jordanian women-led communities consisting of women craft associations and home-business leaders whose work supports them, their livelihoods and their families.

The wooden button is made from Jordanian olive wood collected after the annual pruning of the olive trees. 

Recommended Uses

Very gently rolling all the toxin build up outward and downwards.
Rinse off excess oils left on tool.


Anti aging, wrinkle reduction.
Stimulating pressure points for
Energy flow and balance.
Soothing massage.
Detoxifying via lymphatic system.